Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Everyone have a great time with family and friends! Be safe.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

LOL SNGaments

I've been playing some SNG's lately to warm up for playing some Steps on FTP. My SNG game seems to be full of win:

BTW, is winning a WSOP seat via Steps a total pipe dream, or is it at least somewhat doable with a solid game and persistence?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Goal for April: W$@SD

March was a bit rough. This might be my first month in years that I didn't win at showdown, and my non-sd winnings weren't too hot either. I did run several BIs below EV, but I think my main problem was overconfidence from doing well in Jan/Feb. I wasn't hand-reading well, and was paying off too much on the river. After rakeback and a tourney cash I ended up about +$200ish for March. April grind begins today :)

Below is my sweet graph. The big dip towards the end was mainly due to a sick hand where I flopped the nut straight and ended up losing like a $950 pot to a flush. Good times:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Free UB $ Update

A while back UB gave me a free $50 to play with. I played a bit here and there, then got tired of playing on UB and decided to cashout. Today I received a check from them for $800.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Sched Is Up!

.... Look at the bottom of the blog. If you are unable to make it please try and switch w/ someone. Or send us a video and we will review it and give you our thoughts. GL GL!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thanks Everyone

I shipped a pretty solid month, for me, to finish things off. Obviously I suck at 25NL/PL, so I have to make sure I play stakes where they respect my raises in 2010 :)

As for all of 2009, I'm quite pleased overall. This has definitely been my most solid and consistent year, and I have to give a lot of credit to the group for this. It's very motivating to have a solid group of players behind me for support. Just knowing that I might have to talk about how my play is going each week keeps me from doing dumb stuff at the table (well, less dumb stuff at least). All the discussions we have and analysis of hands we do really keeps things fresh. I've had a lot of fun with you all too. We have a lot of great personalities in the group, which makes for a fun and exciting group dynamic.

Here's to a great upcoming 2010! Go FR Turtles!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Turkey Day...


Have a great Turkey Day:) Enjoy your families and friends. I am thankful that I have you degens to hold me up through this Poker Journey:)