Seat 4: UTG ($107.65)
Seat 5: UTG+1 ($165.50)
Seat 6: MP1 ($64)
Seat 7: MP2 ($18.50)
Seat 8: MP3 ($20)
Seat 9: CO ($123.85)
Dealt to BB

Preflop: (Pot: $1.50)
Flop: (Pot: $21)
BET UTG+1, $12 ( WOW! Weak bet. However, I have to respect the fact that the preflop raiser bet into all of us. I don't like the idea of rearising and turning my hand somewhat into a bluff. Folding feels dirty. Call seems like the way to go.
FOLD Button
CALL BB, $12
Turn: (Pot: $45)
UTG+1 bets $15.00 ( WTF is this. The turn is making this board crazy and why such a small bet. I don't feel like I beat anything at this point but aJ but would this player bet two streets here with AJ? So you want to call here and fold the river? What is the purpose of that? I feel like I need to make the decision now?
How about a 1/2 pot or so turn lead? I'm sure in one of my poker books, there's something about it being better to bet out than check/call. :)
ReplyDeletehmmm 1/2 pot turn lead is not terrible at all. Something to think about
ReplyDeleteHe calls and the river is a diamond? The river is a blank? The river pairs the board? When he calls the turn we are now trying to get to showdown and if he shows resistance on river peace out?
ReplyDeleteoh the river is a Q:) oooh that is sexy
ReplyDeleteI lead the flop here like 100% of the time, but it doesn't sound like anybody else is taking that line, so I'm wondering if it is best.
ReplyDeleteHere are my reasons...
When villain #1 c-bets into 5 people on this board I feel really dirty c/c'ing because I feel he has AK at worst.
However, he has a ton of PP's in his range, so I like betting here about 1/2-3/4 pot and if villain #1 continues I basically always know that I am beat. However when he folds he are playing against 4 fishies with a really solid hand. I would proceed to be all three streets and get stacks in against any fish, but I would fold to a single raise from anyone.
What do you guys think of this line?